So excited to announce my month-long Bewitching Blog Book Tour. Tour dates are May 27-June 24 for my novel, Extinction Of All Children. If you happen to stop by or stumble upon any of the tour stops don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway…a $25.00 Amazon gift card.
I recently did an interview with Tony Eames at I was so excited to be asked to participate. In case you would like to check out the interview I have provided the link. I hope the link works if it doesn't you can copy and paste the link that's below. Thanks so much for reading! If you have a blog please sign up for my Book Blitz April 8-12 with XPRESSO Book Tours for my, Extinction Of All Children series, Sometimes I go to read a certain novel and for some reason I just can’t get into it. I find myself putting the book back on my to be read list. I decide to save the book for another day. Months later when I pick the book up again, I find myself really enjoying it.
I feel like you have to be in a certain mood to read certain books. I try not to give up on a book until I’ve tried a second time to read it. Has that ever happened to you? Do you have to be in a certain mind frame to read certain books? I’ve been busy writing, and now promoting the second and third novels in my Extinction series. Sad to say, there has been little or no time left for reading other novels. I miss reading. I miss going into another world that’s not my own. I miss the feeling I would get when I couldn’t wait to turn the page and see what happens next. I miss staying up all night to finish the chapter I am on. I have a list of novels I would like to read. I hope to get back to reading one day soon. Maybe I should learn to manage my time better. How do you find the time to read a novel when you’re writing one?
I can't believe it's been over a year since my last blog post. I’ve been so busy working on the Extinction series. Time goes by so fast, but I’m pleased to say that I have finally finished. I enjoyed working on the series even though it was a lot of hard work. The next two novels in the series were released this week. Journey to Territory M and Journey to Territory U are now available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Smashwords. I hope everyone enjoys reading them.
It's funny what a kind word or gesture can do. A friend calling you awesome when your feeling down can put a smile on your face. Someone holding a door for you instead of slamming it in your face can make a difference. Someone contacting you to say they really enjoyed the novel you wrote can brighten your day, week and month. Someone saying please and thank you goes a long way.
Tax season has come and gone. This is the first time I’ve been a self-published author during tax season. My tax person informed me that self-publishing is a business—which I already knew. My tax person also informed me that I now own my own business. I guess I never looked at it that way before. I’ve sold a few books but not a massive amount—not enough to say I own my own business. My tax person helped me see it in a new light. I am now proud to say I own my own business. I am also proud of what I’ve accomplished so far. I’m sure other self-publishing authors feel the same way.
I love to write and since I couldn’t find an agent to represent me I decided to represent myself by self-publishing. I have to say it’s frustrating at times coming up with the money to pay editors and proofreaders and cover artist. It’s also rewarding when people take time out of their busy schedules to leave reviews on my work. Reading a review where someone really enjoyed my novel makes me know it was all worth it.
Now that I have thrown myself into the world of self-publishing I can see what other self-published authors go through. I just wanted to give a shout out to them for all their hard work. I have great respect for self-published authors and for the great work they are doing. Thanks for reading. I'm new to self-publishing and have been experimenting with marketing and advertising. I have decided to enroll in KDP Select for the next 90 days. I will no longer be able to showcase my novels on iBooks or Kobo, and they will only be available in paperback form at Barnes & Noble. Even though that is the case I am still excited to see what my results will be joining KDP Select.
I have read other blogs where authors have done similar experiments. Some have done great worldwide and others have done great just using KDP Select. Once my experiment is over I will post the outcome. Maybe my experiment will help other new authors decide where they should showcase their novels. Ninety days goes by really fast, so it will be over before you or I know it. Just a quick blog. Thanks for reading. |
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